AVIAREPS Highlights in April

06 May 2024

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Global AVIAREPS Highlights in April 2024

April was full of exciting opportunities for us and our teams around the world and we are happy to present last month's highlights!
We are proud to have welcomed many new clients, see our teams present our clients' news at trade fairs and roadshows:

AVIAREPS Brazil at WTM Latin America 2024: The AVIAREPS Brazil team participated in another edition of WTM Latin America, one of the biggest and most important tourism fairs, where the team promoted their destination & airline clients, and connected with the main players in the industry, both in trade and the press.

AVIAREPS Austria Roadshow: 150 travel agents gathered in 4 Austrian cities (Graz, Linz, Innsbruck and Salzburg) to hear about the latest news from AVIAREPS Austria's clients.

Trips: Our teams showed the most beautiful corners of the world to their trade and media partners during several Fam Trips. The AVIAREPS Australia Team traveled to Mauritius, AVIAREPS Indonesia had a great shopping experience at Ingolstadt Village in Germany, AVIAREPS Benelux went on a FAM Trip to Malta and AVIAREPS Spain explored Miami with prominent media outlets.

Well done, AVIAREPS teams around the world, and congrats on all these wins and successful events!

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New Clients

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General Managers Meeting

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